Camp Starts In:
Summer Camp Volunteer Staff
To succeed, we need a staff filled with servants' hearts. We need staff that knows how to pour into the life of a child. We need staff that knows the importance of reaching our youth for Christ. In short...we need YOU! Remember, it's the staff, not the stuff.
What makes camp successful is the volunteers who willingly sacrifice part of their summer to make an eternal difference in the lives of our campers. Please take some time to consider and pray about this opprountity. Those of us who have worked at camp before can assure that you will not regret it. The blessing you receive is indescribable.
We need volunteers that can stay full term at either or both camps and we need volunteers that can work just a few hours. If you are willing to help, please read the documents attached located to the left: STAFF INFORMATION, STAFF POSITIONS, CAMPER INFORMATION, CAMP RULES and PACKING LIST. Then, complete the staff application located to the left of this screen in the APPLY NOW box, or fill out the downloadable application and turn it in. All camp staff must be approved by the camp directors.
Applications must be received by 6/23/24 in order to do a mandatory criminal record check on camp staff and to ensure a t-shirt in your preferred size is available on opening day.
Staff Testimonials
FM Youth Camp is a camp that has an atmosphere that allows the students to learn how to grow in their relationship with Christ. It provides afternoon rec activities that allow the students to fellowship through games and have fun as a group of believers. These activities allow the students to become tightly knit and form friendships that last an eternity. The lessons brought in the morning and evening give the students practical ways to live their lives more like Christ. I saw students leave camp permanently changed and have never seen a camp where the students interact with no division amongst age differences. The leadership team did an excellent job preparing everything for the week and it made it very easy to step in as a first time counselor.
- Clint S.
I’ll tell you one of my favorite camp memories. This story actually comes from this last year at camp. It was a Tuesday and it was during teen week. To give you a little background, this year at camp was already special to me, because I came to camp not just wanting to see God do special things for the campers, but I came to camp desperately needing to see God myself. As usual, I signed up to be a counselor for camp and in the weeks leading up to it I just prayed, “ God, I need to see You this year more than ever before. I need to see You.”
The first day of camp was great and the service was exceptional. The Tuesday night service rolled around and you know I honestly could not tell you what the entire service was about, but one point hit me right between the eyes. Bro. Nick said something that hit my callous heart so hard that I began to ball my eyes out. He said that we treat Jesus, the One who loved us so much that He gave His all for us and died for us, like a puppet for our own personal needs. He said that we shape God to fit our needs instead of us conforming to fit to God’s purpose and plan for our lives.
Right there it was like God put His arm around me and said, “ Kael, I’ve always been here, why won’t you listen to me.” I broke down. I realized that throughout the past year, I had been telling God what I needed, when I needed it, and how it should be done, instead of trusting in the One who knows what is best for me. I had been changing the Bible to fit my lifestyle and what I wanted to do, instead of living according to what I knew was right. What an eye opening service. The alter call was given and a lot more tears were left there. It just felt good to let it all go. The service ended and I went about my nightly duties, but as I walked back by the tabernacle, I noticed a few people were still in there praying and the worship band was still playing. I decided to go back into the tabernacle and just listen. All of a sudden people just started coming back in and praying and singing, and I kid you not, we were in there for another 30 min. The only way I’ve ever been able to explain the draw back to the tabernacle that night is to say that God was there, and when you are in the presence of our awesome God, how can you walk away? God is in this camp.
If you are a returning camper you know what I’m talking about, and I look forward to seeing you all. If you are a new camper trying to decide which camp to go to, come give us a try, but come expecting to see God, because one thing I can promise you is that He will be there.
- Kael E.
Staff Retreats
Throughout the year, our staff also have retreats and get togethers without the campers.
We LOVE our staff and we could not do what we do without them. It is important to our leadership staff that we spend time just as staff to strengthen our relationships with each other and also to share life together.
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